Sunday, February 23, 2014

Run Forest Run

     I don't know why, but I never tried. 

     Maybe it's the fear of failing, but even when I would, I'd set myself up for disappointment by setting the bar at sub-zero.  I didn't compete for the same reasons.  Something inside me has echoed that I can't for so long that more often than not, I just didn't.
     'Something' changed, and one day, that negative voice disappeared.  I told myself I wanted to run.
Anyone who knows me knows that statement is laughable. If I was in a horror flick, I'd be the first one that Jason, Micheal, Freddy Kreuger, or CandyMan would kill. Maybe because I'd spend so much time looking back that I wouldn't be watching where I was going, and trip.  So I stopped looking behind me.  I competed with no one other than the self I was the day before, and I ran (or maybe jogged-but i was moving).
     Today, I finally did it.  I set a goal for myself, I worked, and I completed my first 5K run.  With that done, I feel there is so much more that I am capable of doing.
     I know that if I'm not careful, the dark voice of can't will try to find its way back in.  But even then, I'm ahead of the game because I have had the experience of trying and succeeding.

 If you say you can or you can't you are right either way”
Henry Ford


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