Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fall of the Queen

    Madonna dislikes being called 'Madge.'  In 2009, she admits that the nickname – often used by her British ex-husband, Guy Ritchie – made her feel "boring and middle-aged".
   Initially I hear the name Madge, and I think of a bored middle aged housewife who in between seeing her kids off to school in the morning and afternoon Karate carpool, has a part time job as a phone sex operator.  Her smoky whisper of a voice talking perversity the way a nursery teacher sings a lullaby. 
   Where her talent definitely is respective of the name 'Madge' for 'her Majesty,' (she IS the Queen of Pop) and anything that Gaga, Rhianna, Brittany, Katy Perry, or (dare I say) Miley Cyrus could concoct as a stunt-Madonna has already done in her sleep.  So why is her ass in plain sight? 
      Material Girl is wearing less and less each time I see her sing.   Instead of following the ab-rocking, horn-masked, shirtless men carrying her from stage left to right; I sadly watch her Majesty, and wonder how insecure she must be at the threat of losing the royal throne. Is she trying to keep up with the promising young talents of Nickelodeon/Disney?  To me Madonna isn't keeping up with anyone as much as she's showing her age-and a very passe' way of thinking. 

  Shock and controversy were always a large part of your appeal-but we're living in a time and place where almost nothing is new or impressive.  The audience is brutal and even the most naive have seen it all by the age of fourteen.  So now more than ever, it's your raw singing talent that needs to be exposed....
Behind the times?

not your derriere.  

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