Friday, July 19, 2013

Big Time Worries

  Tonight is the Big Time Rush concert, we booked the tickets from two months ago.  It's going to be great, but today is a full day of anticipation.  I don't know when or what made me become this way, but when there's an event pressing on the calender, I'm as nervous as a terrorist wearing the explosives on the way to point of 'kaboom!'  What used to be a worry-free Zee, has turned into 'Caution-worry ahead.'
photo.JPG      For example, tonight's distress:
1)  Traffic
too much traffic and we're very late to concert
too little traffic and we make it to the stadium hours before the concert.
Joey's patience (or lack of) in traffic
2)  bathroom breaks
Bathroom accidents in the car.
What if there are no rest stops?
What if I have an accident in the car?
Do I need to pack a change of clothes, and if it can happen to me, it can happen to the kids-do I pack a carry on for the occasion?
If I have an accident in the car, will the kids still respect me?
Will my husband still respect me?
Will Joe have to pull off the road and have the car 'emergency detailed' before he can proceed and drive.
3)  Forgetting something at home-

     What if I didn't bring enough.
     What if the kids didn't like the choices?
ear plugs
     What if Joycee's swimmer's ear is still bothering her and she doesn't let me put them on her?
toilet paper
dvd's for kids
4)  Our seats in stadium-
what if the people sitting in front of us are taller and kids can't see?
what if people in front of us are standing the whole time?
what if Joycee can't take the noise?
what if she wants to leave after the first few songs?
View before concert.
what if the seats aren't so good?
What if Joycee is disappointed about not getting closer to the stage?
Will I be able to rise above her disappointment?
Will I always disappoint her?
5)  no time for the kids to bathe.
  Joe freaking from kids not having time to bathe.
  Joe making kids bathe post-concert at 2am.
  Why is Joe so insane about showering?
  Does Joe keep tabs of my shower habits?

     It isn't so much about the worries anymore as it is the 'sub-worries.' the imaginary problems I create inside of the regular ones.  I used to be (almost) worry free, spontaneous with a 'blow in the wind' kind of attitude.  I'd rather blame it on being a responsible mommy or systematic spouse instead of aging worry wart.
     In the end, all went well.  No accidents, car or bathroom to report.  Our tickets had the words 'rain or shine' printed in bold faced letters, we noticed that once we were in our seats that the entire stadium was outdoor seating.  So glad I hadn't known any of that before.  I'll just have to keep the faith  and realize that I am not in control of everything in the universe.  It's less exhausting that way.

View during concert.  LOL!


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